joi, septembrie 11, 2008

"Doina lipsei de păsărică" de la Grinderman

S-a întors Nick Cave la punkul de pe vremea Birthday Party şi a dat naştere la GRINDERMAN, adică Nick Cave post-punk. Superb, divin, deloc de mirare că albumul ce a urmat, de data aceasta din nou în formula Bad Seeds, a primit girul tuturor criticilor de gen. Mecanismul e simplu: i-a convins pe toţi că nu e un simplu golan care îşi prinde blugii rupţi cu ace de siguranţă şi care urlă distonant chestii porcoase împotriva vreunei regine imaginare. Punkul a fost stigmatizat pentru că a fost lansat de novici.

Dacă marile nume: Lennon, Morrison, Joplin ar fi căzut ulterior în această alternativă lumea ar fi vorbit despre suprarealism. Ceea ce l-a salvat pe Nick Cave este că trecerea anilor nu l-a îmblânzit. "Dig Lazarus Dig" este cel mai bun exemplu.

Acum cine ştie, poate ne aud Cătălin Crişan şi Gabriel Dorobanţu şi rup gura târgului.

Mai jos minunăţii de versuri şi chiar piesa în cauză: "No Pussy Blues" sau în traducerea mea liberă: "Doina lipsei de păsărică".

My face is finished, my body's gone.
And I can't help but think standin' up here
in all this applause and gazin' down
at all the young and the beautiful.
With their questioning eyes.
That I must above all things love myself.

I saw a girl in the crowd,
I ran over I shouted out,
I asked if I could take her out,
But she said that she didn't want to.

I changed the sheets on my bed,
I combed the hairs across my head,
I sucked in my gut and still she said
That she just didn't want to.

I read her Eliot, read her Yeats,
I tried my best to stay up late,
I fixed the hinges on her gate,
But still she just never wanted to.

I bought her a dozen snow-white doves,
I did her dishes in rubber gloves,
I called her Honeybee, I called her Love,
But she just still didn't want to.
She just never wants to.

I sent her every type of flower,
I played her guitar by the hour,
I patted her revolting little chihuahua,
But still she just didn't want to.

I wrote a song with a hundred lines,
I picked a bunch of dandelions,
I walked her through the trembling pines,
But she just even then didn't want to.
She just never wants to.

I thought I'd try another tack,
I drank a litre of cognac,
I threw her down upon her back,
But she just laughed and said
that she just didn't want to.

I thought I'd have another go,
I called her mah little O,
I felt like Marcel Marceau
must feel when she said
that she just never wanted to.
She just didn't want to.

I got the no pussy blues.

Grinderman - No Pussy Blues
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